Shift to Cyber Resilience with

Continuous Threat Exposure Management

Manage Cyber Risk with a strategic and comprehensive framework to pivot away from traditional technology vulnerability management with our CTEM as a Service.

continuous threat exposure

Cyber Security score in easy to understand letter grades

Gain a snapshot of your External Attack Surface including 3rd Party Risk by visualizing defensible intelligence

Cyber Risk Quantification

Do you need a quick quote for a Cyber Security Assessment?

We will meet your project’s deadline and budget

Is your business ready for ransomware?
Shift to Ransomware Resilience

Build and maintain your capability to protect, detect, respond, and recover from ransomware attacks.

Explore Satius Security’s Ransomware Resilience comprehensive assessment and Managed Service

Let us resolve your security challenges

We understand the unique challenges of cybersecurity and the changing attack landscape. Our staff are innovative, highly flexible, and focused on the client.

Ready to shift your business to cyber resilience?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.

Continuous threat exposure management

stay on top of your entire threat exposure with continuous threat exposure management

"The exposure to a range of new cyberthreats is a growing issue for organizations. Security and risk management leaders should use this Strategic Roadmap to pivot from traditional technology vulnerability management to a broader, more dynamic continuous threat and exposure management practice. Gartner's 2024 Strategic Roadmap for Managing Threat Exposure

continuous threat exposure management

Benefits of Satius Security's CTEM as a Service

Satius Security offers CTEM as a managed service, providing a framework for ongoing assessments, guidance, and reporting to enhance your overall risk management and cyber resilience.


The foundation of our CTEM as a service is having a holistic and structured coverage of risk including: Internal, External, Cloud and Compliance Correlation.


Unlike ad-hoc assessments performed at different points in time, our continuous assessments and validations provides a real-time insight into the overall security posture.


Clear and defensible data is at the core of our service. Presenting a clear insight into all risks and a road map to improve and maintain cyber resilience.


Get the answers Executives need to provide directions with actionable insight reporting and defensible data to drive improvement and resiliency.


The program is managed by certified expert cybersecurity engineers with the knowledge and expertise in all phases of the CTEM program.


Meet tight budgets and shortage of resources with Satius Security's to managed the program and provide desired results.

Ransomware Resilience as a Service

Shift to Ransomware Resiliency

Organizations of all sizes and across industries continue to be challenged with managing the risk and impacts of ransomware attacks. Developing a methodical approach to strategize, plan, prevent, detect, respond, recover, and report ransomware attacks is critical to effectively mitigate the inherent risks and impacts posed by ransomware. One of the greatest challenges ransomware attacks present is the wide range of possible attackers because the attacker can be anyone using any of the many different attack vectors.

Benefits of Satius Security's Ransomware Resilience as a Service

Satius Security’s approach ensures the organization’s Technology, Process, and People’s readiness and capacity to disrupt the attack kill chain at every stage.

Reduce the likelihood and impact of an attack

Satius’s continuous journey to achieve and maintain the desired resilience maturity reduces threat exposure and the negative outcome of possible attacks.

Enhance your security posture and reputation

Our proactive and continuous assessment of exposure caused by shortcomings in security controls and misconfigurations along with people and process, leads to better security posture.

Comply with regulatory requirements

Satius RRaaS elevates your security capabilities to a level needed to help meet the requirements of the GDPR, NIS Directive, PCI DSS, ISO 27001, and more.

Save time and money on recovery and remediation

By having all processes related to threat’s protection, detection, and recovery assessed and updated, we insure optimal RTO and RTP.

Improve operational efficiency

Operating as an extension of your organization, Satius helps to make processes more efficient and enables you to quickly elevate security capabilities to enterprise level.

Expert guidance

Realize the value from assessments and guidance from Satius’s expertise in offensive security and adversarial mindset.

Expert support to enhance your cyber resilience

Satius Security understands the challenges facing organizations including latest threats. Discover or range of specialist security services to reduce risks and enhance your organization’s cyber resilience.

Managed Security Services
Assessment & Advisory
Turn Key Solutions


Why Can You Rely on Satius Security for Cyber Resilience?

High Quality Service
Adversarial Mindset
Outcome Focused
Technology Agnostic

Ready for Cyber Resilience?

Learn more how our Managed Service can help you achieve Cyber Resilience and be an extension of your team without breaking the budget.


Global Clients

Satius Security has been the cyber resilience partner to Enterprise and Government clients in the United States, Middle East, and Europe such as:


What our clients say about us

We work with organisations across a range of industries


Latest news

We fully understand the challenges SMBs and enterprise face alike to meet security frameworks compliance and ensure overall optimal security posture.
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